The Crescent School Goulburn

Murranga Murranga (hand in hand) Together we achieve

Telephone02 4821 3680

Positive recognition

Positive student behaviour is recognised frequently at our school through our High 5’s, positive postcards, monthly milkshakes and school merit system.  Staff at our school use sticky praise when acknowledging the effort of students. 

High 5’s

High 5’s are a means for frequently recognising Ready, Respectful, Safe behaviour being used by our students.  This system is not a deficit-based system.

High 5’s can never be taken away or withheld from students as a punishment or consequence.  They are given frequently by all adults at our school to recognise and reinforce Ready, Respectful, Safe behaviours.

Recognition board

Each week classes recognise students who have consistently applied one or more of our school rules.  These students receive a positive postcard home sharing their efforts and achievements with their families.

Positive postcard

In addition to our weekly postcards for recognition, students may receive a positive postcard to mark an important milestone of behavioural effort and achievement that is recognised by classroom staff, and /or school leadership.

Monthly milkshakes

Students who consistently uphold our school rules and expectations and have received a positive postcard throughout the term are invited to our monthly milkshake in Weeks 3, 7 and 10.  Monthly milkshakes are hosted by a staff member from each community of practice. 

School merit system

In addition to our fast and frequent recognition, our school celebrates the achievements of our students through our bronze, silver, and gold merit system.  Each term students are nominated by their classroom staff to receive their merit certificate.