The Crescent School Goulburn

Murranga Murranga (hand in hand) Together we achieve

Telephone02 4821 3680


Smart Notebook Program

We have developed exciting and engaging lessons using Smart Notebook that cater to the unique needs of the students in our classes.  There are lessons designed for senior and junior students and cover topics such as literacy and numeracy, work education, life skills and routines.

These files are available for teachers to download for use in your own school on the Behaviour Focus Web Board, designed by the staff at The Highlands School.  To access these files please click on the link below.  It will ask you for your user name and password. You will need to add @detnsw to your user name eg mary.smith@detnsw then your det password.

We are also happy for relatively local teachers or schools to contact us for tutorials on how to make your own smart notebook resources. The tutorial could be for individual teachers or a group of teachers. Depending on your location you could come to us or we could come to you.

Please visit Highlands School for more information regarding project information. 

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